jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

The Barbie

Write about a present that I received; a present in particular, is difficult for me, because I have many in my memory.

I can remember one that was very important in my life as a child.
This was in a Christmas. 
In the night my parents distributed gifts for all people of my family. 
They gave me a Barbie. I thought: “it is a joke? My parents know that I don’t like the Barbie. Why gave me this?” I felt a great disappointment in this moment, so I thought in cry. I went to my bed and I cried. I said: “I want a rollers skate”, because all children in my street, had theirs. 
My dad went to my bedroom and he said: “hey, you don’t cry. This is only a toy, there is something more important in the life. Do you remember the song “el tamborilero”?” I said: “Yes, I do remember. Why?” My dad said me: “The tamborilero is a child very poor and only he have a little drum, so, he gives this present for Jesús. We doesn’t money now, your mom and me were as the “tamborilero”. The rollers skate are very expensive and the only present that we can give you is a Barbie. Do you understand?”

Although never I liked the Barbie, this present is very special. Always I think in this present when I want something and it isn’t possible.

4 comentarios:

  1. you did not like the Barbie !!!! I have a Barbie with skates if you want I can give ;)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. It's a beautiful speech of your dad, with those words, I think you will never forget that special gift!

  4. A wise man your dad. You know the saying "I want doesn't necessarily get"
