sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

Important person for me

In this post I will write about a person that has marked my process in the university studies. 

This person is Igancio Martín-Baró. Before of I study psychology, I found in my house a book about his life. I was very moved for his history. After was a surprise for me know that this men before has been psychologist. 

Ignacio Martín-Baró was social psychologist and Jesuit priest. He born in Spain in 1930, however when he was a young, in 1959, he travelled to live in a little country of Latin-America, in Salvador. There he was a short time until that he returned in 1966 for dedicate his life to be whit the people of Salvador in the difficult situation of the country; they we was in this moment in a civil war. 

Concurrently he was accomplished your ecclesiastic functions, he studied psychology, there he discovered the social psychology, without know that before he will be a principal exponent of this area. 
I admire to Ignacio Martín-Baró because he was a valiant person. He had not concern for speak and denounce the crimes of the country. He was the voice of many people that had not voice. 

The war go troughed his life so much, to such a level of lost his life in the war. 

What impacted me a lot when I read the book about life It was the phrase: “The challenge is not limited to addressing the destruction and disorders caused by the war. The challenge is to construct a new person in a new society.”

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

The ecology

In this post I am going to write about the ecology.

To be honest I don’t consider myself a “green” person. However, I think that this is a topic very important in the present society.

The ecology have been the central topic of many studies actually because is a problem that concern to all people around the world.

¡The problem of the land is a global problem! Is possible see this when you look the weather in different part of the world.

The recycling has a role important in this problem. The humans has been produced many litter since a lot time ago. This situation, cause that today the Earth is too contaminated.

Personally I haven not incorporated recycling in my habits, although I make an effort, for example I do not use plastic bags and I do not use products in spray. Also I like care for the water and the electric energy.
Although I considerate the ecology a topic very important, never I has been think in belong to an ecologist organization , perhaps because for things of time.

I think that the problem is very complex, so can be many solutions. But the big solution is that all people take the conscience of this big problem.

In Santiago, my country, there is not lot information. I think that the people and the authorities think that this problem of long time.

 Prohibit the plastic bags, grow the number of bins and give more information, can be steps important for incorporate in Santiago. 

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

The Chilean Education

In this post I am going to write about a theme very special in my country, it is the education.

In my country the education is in crisis, this can be for different reasons, but some undeniable is that is a crisis.

The social movement that alerted us of this crisis went the “Revolución Pingüina”, a social movement composed of high school students. They denounce the situation in that was us education: bad quality, lucre and social inequality.

For understand this problem is necessary know the form of chilean education.
The kinder garden is a things that few people understand, there are foundations, public institution and private institution that give us education in this phase, they are free of educate as they want. Before, in primary and secondary studies, there are public institutions, subsidize institutions and private institutions, in this case there is a basic national plan that they must accomplish, finally the superior education is public and private, however the public and private you must pay many money.

This economic situation reports the social segregation. We are educating children with unequal opportunities to be what they want.

I think that the problem is not only the education model, but that in economic and social model. The neoliberalism is a system that through all spheres of the life in Chile.

I would like that for the present reform of government  take into account not only the European or "developed" models to make changes, but that they think in Chile, in culture us, in history us, in nears realities to us, as Argentina, Bolivia, Perú or other country of Latin-American. 

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

The music!

This time the topic is free choosing, so, I am going to write about my favorite music.

The music is a topic very important in my life; I think that for many young’s this is so, I do not know why, but I can hazard a guess.
I think that the music is a topic important in the life of young’s or of people; in general, because listen to music allows that they have a space of relaxation.
I was read many studies about the relation between listen to music and liberation of endorphin's (these are neurotransmitter associated with different nice sensations).

In my case the music is an experience very pleasurable, although I think that perhaps not everyone feels nice things when they listen to music, maybe because sometimes the music come on unpleasant memories. However, I think that this people are little.

I like different music genres. I like the ballad, the rock, the pop, the jazz, the blues, the reggae, but my favorite music is the Latin American folklore, for example “cueca chilota”, “zamba argentina”, “joropo venezolano”, “cumbia colombiana” or “samba brasileña”.
Also I like much the popular sings, as Violeta Parra, Victor Jara, Joaquin Sabina, Mercedes Sossa, Silvio Rodrigues and Carlos Gardel.

I forgot say that the “tango” is music very special for me, because my mom and my dad, they sang me when I was a child. Although the tango is not popular within the young's, I think that it is very nice. 

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

The Barbie

Write about a present that I received; a present in particular, is difficult for me, because I have many in my memory.

I can remember one that was very important in my life as a child.
This was in a Christmas. 
In the night my parents distributed gifts for all people of my family. 
They gave me a Barbie. I thought: “it is a joke? My parents know that I don’t like the Barbie. Why gave me this?” I felt a great disappointment in this moment, so I thought in cry. I went to my bed and I cried. I said: “I want a rollers skate”, because all children in my street, had theirs. 
My dad went to my bedroom and he said: “hey, you don’t cry. This is only a toy, there is something more important in the life. Do you remember the song “el tamborilero”?” I said: “Yes, I do remember. Why?” My dad said me: “The tamborilero is a child very poor and only he have a little drum, so, he gives this present for Jesús. We doesn’t money now, your mom and me were as the “tamborilero”. The rollers skate are very expensive and the only present that we can give you is a Barbie. Do you understand?”

Although never I liked the Barbie, this present is very special. Always I think in this present when I want something and it isn’t possible.