jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Corrections the last blog post of the classmate below

Yesterday I was watching TV when a story appears (T) about censorship of art, denoting exhibitions that have taken place in times of "democracy" (in 1990) These have been highly controversial because they have exposed from fetuses (replicas) photographs of dead babies replicating what was the popular tradition "el velorio del angelito" with current prospects and, of course, plays focused on homosexuality, dictatorship, genocide, among others.
In this sense, the reporter was says that until the end of (V) dictatorship there was a state agency called "tribunal calificador", who check the movies, expositions (WW) and plays arrived or presents in Chile and defined what yes and what no, even
become to prohibit the (WF) "The Last Temptation of Christ" movie in Chile (P) based in the moral and good customs of the society, i.e. (?) the catholic and cristians (S) values of the correct, not sinful and and (WF)  that wasn’t a moral failure wing (WE).
In diagnostic mode, since (V) colonization and domination from the XVII and XVIII centuries in Latin America there have been various control mechanisms in political, ideological and social terms, denoting certain ways of relating to an "other", certain public policies and certain forms control of identity /cultural aspects of the "other” for dominate.
In this context the art, since much time, has been used as the most expressive forms of identity from all cultural groups, and also, (V) gestated as one of the areas where the cultural control is consolidated. Situations like I described in the beginning have been generated through processes of cultural domination exercised not only in times of dictatorship (70’ or 80’) where political censorship was apprehensive, but since the early domination as an aspect to define, monitor and take from one class over another through their essential: the identity.

In this (WF) therms (WW), the fight also run to this way: the fight for our identity.

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